I miss being little!
In order to understand my present, you need to know my past. So let's start at the beginning.Shall we? I was born in North Carolina on January 13, 1997.
As a child, things were great. I had 4 other siblings to cause trouble with. We were a pretty rambunctious clan. Just imagine 5 young children, each about a year apart in age, roaming the neighborhood. We loved eachother, but goodness did we fight. The five of us, we bickered and fought, but there were also times of great love and compassion.Seeing as how my identity is so intertwined with my siblings, let me to tell you a little about them.
As a child each of us had our own, very unique personality.
Elizabeth, or Liz as we call her now, was the oldest of the five. She's always had an old soul and was incredibly smart. I remember her being "the artsy child". She preferred to be inside working a puzzle or drawing. Most people believed Elizabeth to be shy and quiet, but believe me, she was anything but. (: I was always jealous of her, secretly, of course.

Next came me, Cat, the "determined one". You see I was always very observant and had a big heart. Even as a little girl, I could pick out the
one hurting person in a crowd. I was not an inside child. I loved the way the wet grass felt between my toes.I even remember carrying around a little denim kindergartner backpack. It was my "Nurses's bag" packed full of antibiotic ointment, cotton balls, and enough band-aids for the entire neighborhood. I was also very persistent and determined, and had to prove all the boys in the neighborhood wrong. I would do anything on a dare. :)

Josh was always the "quiet child". He was sensitive and caring. He really was the ideal child with a cheeky smile and a heart of gold, and was almost never difficult. He always put up with my bossing. Josh always seemed like he needed to be defended and cared for. Growing up, we were like twins. In fact, we often got asked if we were. We did everything together. Now though, he can make all of us laugh until we cry. He is incredibly funny and I wish he would show that more to other people.
Hannah, the "wild child". She was indepenent, dramatic, and often times, blunt. She was ...well.. a troublemaker. (: She was spunky and always moving. Mom always said each of us had an invisible bungee cord and would come back if we went too far. But not Hannah, she would go forever and never turn back. I loved her, but I didn't truly know her until a few years ago.I have recently found that she has a tender heart, and cares so much about others.

And lastly, Jeffery, "the baby". From the very start, he was a hilarious child. Even at the age of two, he knew how to make others laugh. Mom always tells us this one story about Jeff that never ceases to make me smile, even after the hundredth time hearing it over. When Dad came home from work, it was always a big deal. We would all swamp him and scream "Daddy! Daddy! Wanna hear what I did today?!?!". We would proceed to tell him something only a child would find amazing. But, my brilliant, hilarious little brother would proceed to scream at the top of his lungs, "MAMA!!!". You could see my father's face drop at the sound of these words. Mom would usually be cooking dinner and would wisely hide her chuckles behind a cookbook or pot. Of course, in time, we all grew to expect these little outbursts.He also wrecked and totaled the minivan at the age of three. I'll save that story for another time.
Here's just a few pictures to get to know us (:
(: Hope you like it so far.